Make a neighbor joining tree#
Section author: Gavin Huttley
An example of how to calculate the pairwise distances for a set of sequences.
from cogent3 import load_aligned_seqs
from cogent3.evolve import distance
from cogent3.phylo import nj
Import a substitution model (or create your own)
from cogent3.evolve.models import get_model
Load the alignment.
al = load_aligned_seqs("data/long_testseqs.fasta")
Create a pairwise distances object calculator for the alignment, providing a substitution model instance.
d = distance.EstimateDistances(al, submodel=get_model("HKY85"))
Now use this matrix to build a neighbour joining tree.
mytree = nj.nj(d.get_pairwise_distances(), show_progress=False)
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We can save this tree to file.