- class SequenceCollection(*, seqs_data: SeqsDataABC, moltype: MolType, info: dict | Info | None = None, source: str | Path | None = None, annotation_db: SupportsFeatures | None = None, name_map: dict | None = None, is_reversed: bool = False)#
A container of unaligned sequences.
- Attributes:
- annotation_db
- named_seqs
- names
- num_seqs
- seqs
(*, seqid, biotype, name, spans)add feature on named sequence
(seqs, **kwargs)Returns new collection with additional sequences.
([pssm, path, background, ...])scores sequences using the specified pssm
(seq_db)copy annotations into attached annotation db
Counts of ambiguous characters per sequence.
([motif_length, include_ambiguity, ...])counts of motifs
([motif_length, ...])counts of motifs per sequence
()Returns new collection in which sequences have no gaps or missing characters.
([calc])Estimated pairwise distance between sequences
([name1, name2, window, threshold, ...])make a dotplot between specified sequences.
([motif_length, ...])Returns the Shannon entropy per sequence.
(data)returns a new instance from a rich dict
Returns dict of seq:{position:char} for ambiguous chars.
(*[, seqid, biotype, name, ...])yields Feature instances
([mask_degen])returns sets of names for sequences that are identical
([include_ambiguity, allow_gap])returns sequence lengths as a dict of {seqid: length}
([alphabet, ...])Return a dictionary of motif probs, calculated as the averaged frequency across sequences.
(seqname[, copy_annotations])Return a sequence object for the specified seqname.
(f[, negate])Returns list of names of seqs where f(seq) is True.
(target[, min_similarity, ...])Returns new SequenceCollection containing sequences similar to target.
([gc, incomplete_ok, ...])translate sequences from nucleic acid to protein
([gc, strict])Returns True if any sequence has a terminal stop codon.
([seq_order])Iterates over sequences in the collection, in order.
(*, feature)create a feature on named sequence, or on the collection itself
([pad_length])Returns copy in which sequences are padded with the gap character to same length.
([motif_length, ...])return frequency array of motifs per sequence
()Returns the reverse complement of all sequences in the collection.
(renamer)Returns new collection with renamed sequences.
Returns the reverse complement of all sequences in the collection.
([num_seqs, num_pos, ...])specify policy for repr(self)
([motif_length])returns dict of strand symmetry test results per seq
(names[, negate, copy_annotations])Returns new collection containing only specified seqs.
(f[, negate])Returns new collection containing seqs where f(seq) is True.
([as_array])Return a dictionary of sequences.
()returns copy of self as a collection of DNA moltype seqs
([block_size])Return collection in Fasta format.
([name_order, wrap, limit, colors, ...])returns html with embedded styles for sequence colouring
()returns json formatted string
(moltype)returns copy of self with changed moltype
Return collection in PHYLIP format and mapping to sequence ids
returns a json serialisable dict
()returns copy of self as a collection of RNA moltype seqs
([gc, strict])Removes any terminal stop codons from the sequences
(filename[, file_format])Write the sequences to a file, preserving order of sequences.
Should be constructed using
.- add_feature(*, seqid: str, biotype: str, name: str, spans: list[tuple[int, int]], parent_id: str | None = None, strand: str = '+') Feature #
add feature on named sequence
- Parameters:
- seqid
seq name to associate with
- parent_id
name of the parent feature
- biotype
biological type
- name
feature name
- spans
plus strand coordinates
- strand
either ‘+’ or ‘-’
- Returns:
- Feature
- add_seqs(seqs: dict[str, str | bytes | ndarray[int]] | SeqsData | list, **kwargs) SequenceCollection #
Returns new collection with additional sequences.
- Parameters:
- seqs
sequences to add
- property annotation_db#
- apply_pssm(pssm: PSSM = None, path: str | None = None, background: ndarray = None, pseudocount: int = 0, names: list | None = None, ui=None) array #
scores sequences using the specified pssm
- Parameters:
- pssm
A profile.PSSM instance, if not provided, will be loaded from path
- path
path to either a jaspar or cisbp matrix (path must end have a suffix matching the format).
- background
background frequencies distribution
- pseudocount
adjustment for zero in matrix
- names
returns only scores for these sequences and in the name order
- Returns:
- numpy array of log2 based scores at every position
- copy_annotations(seq_db: SupportsFeatures) None #
copy annotations into attached annotation db
- Parameters:
- seq_db
compatible annotation db
Only copies annotations for records with seqid in self.names
- count_ambiguous_per_seq() DictArray #
Counts of ambiguous characters per sequence.
- counts(motif_length: int = 1, include_ambiguity: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False, exclude_unobserved: bool = False) MotifCountsArray #
counts of motifs
- Parameters:
- motif_length
number of elements per character.
- include_ambiguity
if True, motifs containing ambiguous characters from the seq moltype are included. No expansion of those is attempted.
- allow_gap
if True, motifs containing a gap character are included.
- exclude_unobserved
if True, unobserved motif combinations are excluded.
only non-overlapping motifs are counted
- counts_per_seq(motif_length: int = 1, include_ambiguity: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False, exclude_unobserved: bool = False, warn: bool = False) MotifCountsArray #
counts of motifs per sequence
- Parameters:
- motif_length
number of characters per tuple.
- include_ambiguity
if True, motifs containing ambiguous characters from the seq moltype are included. No expansion of those is attempted.
- allow_gap
if True, motifs containing a gap character are included.
- warn
warns if motif_length > 1 and collection trimmed to produce motif columns.
only non-overlapping motifs are counted
- degap() SequenceCollection #
Returns new collection in which sequences have no gaps or missing characters.
The returned collection will not retain an annotation_db if present.
- distance_matrix(calc: str = 'pdist')#
Estimated pairwise distance between sequences
- Parameters:
- calc
The distance calculation method to use, either “pdist” or “jc69”. - “pdist” is an approximation of the proportion sites different. - “jc69” is an approximation of the Jukes Cantor distance.
- Returns:
- DistanceMatrix
Estimated pairwise distances between sequences in the collection
pdist approximates the proportion sites different from the Jaccard distance. Coefficients for the approximation were derived from a polynomial fit between Jaccard distance of kmers with k=10 and the proportion of sites different using mammalian 106 protein coding gene DNA sequence alignments.
jc69 approximates the Jukes Cantor distance using the approximated proportion sites different, i.e., a transformation of the above.
- dotplot(name1: str | None = None, name2: str | None = None, window: int = 20, threshold: int | None = None, k: int | None = None, min_gap: int = 0, width: int = 500, title: str | None = None, rc: bool = False, biotype: str | tuple[str] = 'gene', show_progress: bool = False)#
make a dotplot between specified sequences. Random sequences chosen if names not provided.
- Parameters:
- name1, name2
names of sequences – if not provided, a random choice is made
- window
segment size for comparison between sequences
- threshold
windows where the sequences are identical >= threshold are a match
- k
size of k-mer to break sequences into. Larger values increase speed but reduce resolution. If not specified, and window == threshold, then k is set to window. Otherwise, it is computed as the maximum of {threshold // (window - threshold), 5}.
- min_gap
permitted gap for joining adjacent line segments, default is no gap joining
- width
figure width. Figure height is computed based on the ratio of len(seq1) / len(seq2)
- title
title for the plot
- rc
include dotplot of reverse compliment also. Only applies to Nucleic acids moltypes
- biotype
if selected sequences are annotated, display only these biotypes
- Returns:
- a Drawable or AnnotatedDrawable
- entropy_per_seq(motif_length: int = 1, include_ambiguity: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False, exclude_unobserved: bool = True, warn: bool = False) ndarray #
Returns the Shannon entropy per sequence.
- Parameters:
- motif_length: int
number of characters per tuple.
- include_ambiguity: bool
if True, motifs containing ambiguous characters from the seq moltype are included. No expansion of those is attempted.
- allow_gap: bool
if True, motifs containing a gap character are included.
- exclude_unobserved: bool
if True, unobserved motif combinations are excluded.
- warn
warns if motif_length > 1 and alignment trimmed to produce motif columns
For motif_length > 1, it’s advisable to specify exclude_unobserved=True, this avoids unnecessary calculations.
- classmethod from_rich_dict(data: dict[str, str | dict[str, str]]) SequenceCollection #
returns a new instance from a rich dict
- get_ambiguous_positions()#
Returns dict of seq:{position:char} for ambiguous chars.
Used in likelihood calculations.
- get_features(*, seqid: str | Iterator[str] | None = None, biotype: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, start: int | None = None, stop: int | None = None, allow_partial: bool = False, **kwargs) Iterator[Feature] #
yields Feature instances
- Parameters:
- seqid
limit search to features on this named sequence, defaults to search all
- biotype
biotype of the feature, e.g. CDS, gene
- name
name of the feature
- start
start position of the feature (not inclusive)
- stop
stop position of the feature (inclusive)
- allow_partial
allow features partially overlaping self
- kwargs
additional keyword arguments to query the annotation db
When dealing with a nucleic acid moltype, the returned features will
yield a sequence segment that is consistently oriented irrespective of strand of the current instance. - start is non-inclusive, so if allow_partial is False, only features strictly starting after start will be returned.
- get_identical_sets(mask_degen: bool = False) list[set] #
returns sets of names for sequences that are identical
- Parameters:
- mask_degen
if True, degenerate characters are ignored
- get_lengths(include_ambiguity: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False) dict[str, int] #
returns sequence lengths as a dict of {seqid: length}
- Parameters:
- include_ambiguity
if True, motifs containing ambiguous characters from the seq moltype are included. No expansion of those is attempted.
- allow_gap
if True, motifs containing a gap character are included.
- get_motif_probs(alphabet: AlphabetABC = None, include_ambiguity: bool = False, exclude_unobserved: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False, pseudocount: int = 0) dict #
Return a dictionary of motif probs, calculated as the averaged frequency across sequences.
- Parameters:
- alphabet
alphabet to use for motifs
- include_ambiguity
if True resolved ambiguous codes are included in estimation of frequencies.
- exclude_unobserved
if True, motifs that are not present in the alignment are excluded from the returned dictionary.
- allow_gap
allow gap motif
- pseudocount
value to add to each count
only non-overlapping motifs are counted
- get_seq(seqname: str, copy_annotations: bool = False) Sequence #
Return a sequence object for the specified seqname.
- Parameters:
- seqname
name of the sequence to return
- copy_annotations
if True, only annotations from the selected seq are copied to the annotation_db of the new collection, the same annotation db is used.
- get_seq_names_if(f: Callable[[Sequence], bool], negate: bool = False)#
Returns list of names of seqs where f(seq) is True.
- Parameters:
- f
function that takes a sequence object and returns True or False
- negate
select all sequences EXCEPT those where f(seq) is True
Sequence objects can be converted into strings or numpy arrays using str() and numpy.array() respectively.
- get_similar(target: ~cogent3.core.new_sequence.Sequence, min_similarity: float = 0.0, max_similarity: float = 1.0, metric:[[~cogent3.core.new_sequence.Sequence, ~cogent3.core.new_sequence.Sequence], float] = <cogent3.util.transform.for_seq object>, transform: bool | None = None) SequenceCollection #
Returns new SequenceCollection containing sequences similar to target.
- Parameters:
- target
sequence object to compare to. Can be in the collection.
- min_similarity
minimum similarity that will be kept. Default 0.0.
- max_similarity
maximum similarity that will be kept. Default 1.0.
- metric
a similarity function to use. Must be f(first_seq, second_seq). The default metric is fraction similarity, ranging from 0.0 (0% identical) to 1.0 (100% identical). The Sequence class have lots of methods that can be passed in as unbound methods to act as the metric, e.g. frac_same_gaps.
- transform
transformation function to use on the sequences before the metric is calculated. If None, uses the whole sequences in each case. A frequent transformation is a function that returns a specified range of a sequence, e.g. eliminating the ends. Note that the transform applies to both the real sequence and the target sequence.
both min_similarity and max_similarity are inclusive.
- get_translation(gc: int = 1, incomplete_ok: bool = False, include_stop: bool = False, trim_stop: bool = True, **kwargs)#
translate sequences from nucleic acid to protein
- Parameters:
- gc
genetic code, either the number or name (use cogent3.core.genetic_code.available_codes)
- incomplete_ok
codons that are mixes of nucleotide and gaps converted to ‘?’. raises a ValueError if False
- include_stop
whether to allow a stops in the translated sequence
- trim_stop
exclude terminal stop codons if they exist
- kwargs
related to construction of the resulting object
- Returns:
- A new instance of self translated into protein
Translating will break the relationship to an annotation_db if present.
- has_terminal_stop(gc: Any = None, strict: bool = False) bool #
Returns True if any sequence has a terminal stop codon.
- Parameters:
- gc
valid input to cogent3.get_code(), a genetic code object, number or name
- strict
If True, raises an exception if a seq length not divisible by 3
- is_ragged() bool #
- iter_seqs(seq_order: list | None = None) Iterator[Sequence | SeqViewABC] #
Iterates over sequences in the collection, in order.
- Parameters:
- seq_order:
list of seqids giving the order in which seqs will be returned. Defaults to self.names
- make_feature(*, feature: FeatureDataType) Feature #
create a feature on named sequence, or on the collection itself
- Parameters:
- feature
a dict with all the necessary data to construct a feature
- Returns:
- Feature
To get a feature AND add it to annotation_db, use add_feature().
- property named_seqs: SeqsDataABC#
- property names: list#
- property num_seqs: int#
- pad_seqs(pad_length: int | None = None)#
Returns copy in which sequences are padded with the gap character to same length.
- Parameters:
- pad_length
Length all sequences are to be padded to. Will pad to max sequence length if pad_length is None or less than max length.
- probs_per_seq(motif_length: int = 1, include_ambiguity: bool = False, allow_gap: bool = False, exclude_unobserved: bool = False, warn: bool = False) MotifFreqsArray #
return frequency array of motifs per sequence
- Parameters:
- motif_length
number of characters per motif
- include_ambiguity
if True, include motifs containing ambiguous characters
- allow_gap
if True, include motifs containing a gap character
- exclude_unobserved
if True, exclude motifs not present in the sequences in the resulting array
- warn
warns if motif_length > 1 and collection trimmed to produce motif columns.
- rc()#
Returns the reverse complement of all sequences in the collection. A synonym for reverse_complement.
- rename_seqs(renamer: Callable[[str], str])#
Returns new collection with renamed sequences.
- reverse_complement()#
Returns the reverse complement of all sequences in the collection. A synonym for rc.
- property seqs: _IndexableSeqs#
- set_repr_policy(num_seqs: int | None = None, num_pos: int | None = None, ref_name: int | None = None, wrap: int | None = None) None #
specify policy for repr(self)
- Parameters:
- num_seqs
number of sequences to include in represented display.
- num_pos
length of sequences to include in represented display.
- ref_name
name of sequence to be placed first, or “longest” (default). If latter, indicates longest sequence will be chosen.
- wrap
number of printed bases per row
- strand_symmetry(motif_length: int = 1)#
returns dict of strand symmetry test results per seq
- take_seqs(names: str | Sequence[str], negate: bool = False, copy_annotations: bool = False, **kwargs)#
Returns new collection containing only specified seqs.
- Parameters:
- names
sequences to select (or exclude if negate=True)
- negate
select all sequences EXCEPT names
- kwargs
keyword arguments to be passed to the constructor of the new collection
- copy_annotations
if True, only annotations from selected seqs are copied to the annotation_db of the new collection
- take_seqs_if(f: Callable[[Sequence], bool], negate: bool = False)#
Returns new collection containing seqs where f(seq) is True.
- Parameters:
- f
function that takes a sequence object and returns True or False
- negate
select all sequences EXCEPT those where f(seq) is True
Sequence objects can be converted into strings or numpy arrays using str() and numpy.array() respectively.
- to_dict(as_array: bool = False) dict[str, str | ndarray] #
Return a dictionary of sequences.
- Parameters:
- as_array
if True, sequences are returned as numpy arrays, otherwise as strings
- to_dna()#
returns copy of self as a collection of DNA moltype seqs
- to_fasta(block_size: int = 60) str #
Return collection in Fasta format.
- Parameters:
- block_size
the sequence length to write to each line, by default 60
- Returns:
- The collection in Fasta format.
- to_html(name_order: Sequence[str] | None = None, wrap: int = 60, limit: int | None = None, colors: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, font_size: int = 12, font_family: str = 'Lucida Console') str #
returns html with embedded styles for sequence colouring
- Parameters:
- name_order
order of names for display.
- wrap
number of columns per row
- limit
truncate view of collection to this length
- colors
{character moltype.
- font_size
in points. Affects labels and sequence and line spacing (proportional to value)
- font_family
string denoting font family
In a jupyter notebook, this code is used to provide the representation.
seq_col # is rendered by jupyter
You can directly use the result for display in a notebook as
from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML(seq_col.to_html())
- to_json()#
returns json formatted string
- to_moltype(moltype: str | MolType) SequenceCollection #
returns copy of self with changed moltype
- Parameters:
- moltype
name of the new moltype, e.g, ‘dna’, ‘rna’.
Cannot convert from nucleic acids to proteins. Use get_translation() for that.
- to_phylip()#
Return collection in PHYLIP format and mapping to sequence ids
raises exception if sequences do not all have the same length
- to_rich_dict() dict[str, str | dict[str, str]] #
returns a json serialisable dict
Deserialisation the object produced by this method will not include the annotation_db if present.
- to_rna()#
returns copy of self as a collection of RNA moltype seqs
- trim_stop_codons(gc: Any = 1, strict: bool = False)#
Removes any terminal stop codons from the sequences
- Parameters:
- gc
valid input to cogent3.get_code(), a genetic code object, number or name, defaults to standard code
- strict
If True, raises an exception if a seq length not divisible by 3
- write(filename: str, file_format: str | None = None, **kwargs) None #
Write the sequences to a file, preserving order of sequences.
- Parameters:
- filename
name of the sequence file
- file_format
format of the sequence file
If file_format is None, will attempt to infer format from the filename suffix.