- class Table(header=None, data=None, index_name=None, title='', legend='', digits=4, space=4, max_width=1e+100, column_templates=None, format='simple', missing_data='', **kwargs)#
Tabular data. iter operates over rows. Columns are available as an attribute.
- Attributes:
- array
the str display format
- header
column name whose values can be used to index table rows
- legend
- shape
- space
- title
(new_column, *tables, **kwargs)Concatenates an arbitrary number of tables together
(callback[, columns])Returns number of rows for which the provided callback function returns True when passed row data from columns.
([columns])count occurrences of unique combinations of columns
(other[, col_prefix])cross join, or full outer join, of self with other
(columns)returns the set of distinct values for the named column(s)
(callback[, columns])Returns a table with rows satisfying the provided callback function.
(callback, **kwargs)Returns a table with columns identified by callback
(column_head, format_template)Provide a formatting template for a named column.
(columns[, with_index])select columns from self with index_name unless excluded
(callback, columns[, negate])returns boolean array of callback values given columns
([nrows])displays top nrows
(other[, columns_self, ...])inner join of self with other
(other[, columns_self, columns_other, ...])returns a new table containing the join of this table and other.
([by_row, denominator_func])returns a table with elements expressed as a fraction according to the results from func
([head, tail, random, show_shape])specify policy for repr(self)
([columns, reverse])Returns a new table sorted according to columns order.
([columns, strict])return sum of indicated columns
([indices, strict])return sum of indicated rows
([indices, col_sum, strict])returns the sum of numerical values for column(s)/row(s)
([nrows])displays bottom nrows
([columns, index_name])construct object that can be used for statistical tests
([with_title, with_legend])return table formatted as comma separated values
([flatten])returns data as a dict
([column_alignment])construct html table
([concat_title_legend, justify, ...])Returns the text a LaTeX table.
([columns])Returns raw data as a list
([space, justify])returns markdown formatted table
([categories])returns pandas DataFrame instance
([width, font_size, layout])returns a Plotly Table
([csv_table])returns rst formatted table
([format, borders, sep, center, ...])Return the table as a formatted string.
([with_title, with_legend])return table formatted as tab separated values
(new_column_name[, select_as_header])returns the transposed table.
(new_column, callback[, ...])Returns new table with an additional column, computed using callback.
(old, new, **kwargs)returns a new Table with old header labels replaced by new
(filename[, mode, writer, format, sep, ...])Write table to filename in the specified format.
- appended(new_column, *tables, **kwargs)#
Concatenates an arbitrary number of tables together
- Parameters:
- new_column
provide a heading for the new column, each tables title will be placed in it. If value is false, the result is no additional column.
- tables
series of Table instances
All tables must have the same columns. If a column dtype differs between tables, dtype for that column in result is determined by numpy.
- property array#
- count(callback, columns=None, **kwargs)#
Returns number of rows for which the provided callback function returns True when passed row data from columns. Row data is a 1D list if more than one column, raw row[col] value otherwise.
- Parameters:
- columns
the columns whose values determine whether a row is to be included.
- callback
Can be a function, which takes the sub by columns and returns True/False, or a string representing valid python code to be evaluated.
- count_unique(columns=None)#
count occurrences of unique combinations of columns
- Parameters:
- columns
name of one or more columns. If None, all columns are used
- Returns:
- CategoryCounter instance
- cross_join(other, col_prefix='right_', **kwargs)#
cross join, or full outer join, of self with other
- Parameters:
- other
A table object which will be joined with this table. other must have a title.
- col_prefix
ensure <other> columns are unique by prepending col_prefix
- distinct_values(columns)#
returns the set of distinct values for the named column(s)
- filtered(callback, columns=None, **kwargs)#
Returns a table with rows satisfying the provided callback function.
- Parameters:
- columns
the columns whose values determine whether a row is to be included.
- callback
Can be a function, which takes rows and returns True/False, or a string representing valid python code to be evaluated.
Row data provided to callback is a 1D list if more than one column, single value (row[col]) otherwise.
- filtered_by_column(callback, **kwargs)#
Returns a table with columns identified by callback
- Parameters:
- callback
A function which takes the columns delimited by columns and returns True/False, or a string representing valid python code to be evaluated.
- property format#
the str display format
- format_column(column_head, format_template) None #
Provide a formatting template for a named column.
- Parameters:
- column_head
the column label.
- format_template
string formatting template or a function that will handle the formatting.
- get_columns(columns, with_index=True)#
select columns from self with index_name unless excluded
- Parameters:
- columnsstring or sequence of strings
names of columns
- with_indexbool
If index_name is set, includes with columns.
- Returns:
- Table
- get_row_indices(callback, columns, negate=False)#
returns boolean array of callback values given columns
- head(nrows=5) None #
displays top nrows
- property header#
- property index_name#
column name whose values can be used to index table rows
- inner_join(other, columns_self=None, columns_other=None, use_index=True, col_prefix='right_', **kwargs)#
inner join of self with other
- Parameters:
- other
A table object which will be joined with this table. other must have a title.
- columns_self, columns_other
indices of key columns that will be compared in the join operation. Can be either column index, or a string matching the column header. The order matters, and the dimensions of columns_self and columns_other have to match. A row will be included in the output iff self[row, columns_self]==other[row, columns_other] for all i
- use_index
if no columns specified and both self and other have a nominated index_name, this will be used.
- col_prefix
ensure <other> columns are unique by prepending col_prefix
- joined(other, columns_self=None, columns_other=None, inner_join=True, col_prefix='right_', **kwargs)#
returns a new table containing the join of this table and other. See docstring for inner_join, or cross_join
- property legend#
- normalized(by_row=True, denominator_func=None, **kwargs)#
returns a table with elements expressed as a fraction according to the results from func
- Parameters:
- by_row
normalisation done by row
- denominator_func
a callback function that takes an array and returns a value to be used as the denominator. Default is sum.
- set_repr_policy(head=None, tail=None, random=0, show_shape=True) None #
specify policy for repr(self)
- Parameters:
- headint
number of top rows to included in represented display
- tailint
number of bottom rows to included in represented display
- randomint
number of rows to sample randomly (supercedes head/tail)
- show_shapebool
boolean to determine if table shape info is displayed
- property shape#
- sorted(columns=None, reverse=None, **kwargs)#
Returns a new table sorted according to columns order.
- Parameters:
- columns
column headings, their order determines the sort order.
- reverse
column headings, these columns will be reverse sorted.
Either can be provided as just a single string, or a series of strings. If only reverse is provided, that order is used.
- property space#
- sum_columns(columns=None, strict=True)#
return sum of indicated columns
- Parameters:
- columns
column name(s) or indices
- strict
if False, ignores cells with non column/row.
- sum_rows(indices=None, strict=True)#
return sum of indicated rows
- Parameters:
- indices
row indices
- strict
if False, ignores cells with non numeric values.
- summed(indices=None, col_sum=True, strict=True)#
returns the sum of numerical values for column(s)/row(s)
- Parameters:
- indices
column name(s) or indices or row indices
- col_sum
sums values in the indicated column, the default. If False, returns the row sum.
- strict
if False, ignores cells with non column/row.
- tail(nrows=5) None #
displays bottom nrows
- property title#
- to_categorical(columns=None, index_name=None)#
construct object that can be used for statistical tests
- Parameters:
- columns
columns to include. These correspond to contingency column labels. The row labels come from values under the index_name column. Defaults to all columns.
- Returns:
- CategoryCounts, an object for performing statistical tests on
- contingency tables.
Only applies to cases where an index_name is defined. The selected columns must be int types and represent the counts of corresponding categories.
- to_csv(with_title=False, with_legend=False)#
return table formatted as comma separated values
- Parameters:
- with_titlebool
include the table title
- with_legendbool
include table legend
- Returns:
- str
- to_dict(flatten=False)#
returns data as a dict
- Parameters:
- flattenbool
returns a 1D dictionary
- to_html(column_alignment=None)#
construct html table
- Parameters:
- column_alignmentdict
{col_name: alignment character, …} where alignment character can be one of ‘l’, ‘c’, ‘r’. Defaults to ‘r’ for numeric columns, ‘l’ for text columns.
- Returns:
- string
Placed within c3table div element, embeds CSS style.
- to_json()#
- to_latex(concat_title_legend=True, justify=None, label=None, position=None)#
Returns the text a LaTeX table.
- Parameters:
- concat_title_legendbool
the table caption is formed by concatenating the table title and legend
- justify
column justification, default is right aligned.
- label
for cross referencing
- position
table page position, default is here, top separate page
The caption*{} command is provided with the caption package. See for more details.
- to_list(columns=None)#
Returns raw data as a list
- Parameters:
- columns
if None, all data are returned
If one column, a 1D list is returned.
- to_markdown(space=1, justify=None)#
returns markdown formatted table
- Parameters:
- space
number of spaces surrounding the cell contents, must be >= 1
- justify
characters indicating alignment of columns
- Returns:
- str
- to_pandas(categories=None)#
returns pandas DataFrame instance
- Parameters:
- categories
converts these columns to category dtype in the data frame. Note, categories are not ordered.
- to_plotly(width=500, font_size=12, layout=None, **kwargs)#
returns a Plotly Table
- to_rich_dict()#
- to_rst(csv_table=False)#
returns rst formatted table
- Parameters:
- csv_tablebool
use csv-directive, grid table otherwise
- Returns:
- str
- to_string(format='', borders=True, sep=None, center=False, concat_title_legend=True, **kwargs)#
Return the table as a formatted string.
- Parameters:
- format
possible formats are ‘rest’/’rst’, ‘markdown’/’md’, ‘latex’, ‘html’, ‘phylip’, ‘bedgraph’, ‘csv’, ‘tsv’, or ‘simple’ (default).
- sep
A string separator for delineating columns, e.g. ‘,’ or ‘ ‘. Overrides format.
- centerbool
content is centered in the column, default is right justified
- concat_title_legendbool
Concat the title and legend.
If format is bedgraph, assumes that column headers are chrom, start, end, value. In that order!
- to_tsv(with_title=False, with_legend=False)#
return table formatted as tab separated values
- Parameters:
- with_titlebool
include the table title
- with_legendbool
include table legend
- Returns:
- str
- transposed(new_column_name, select_as_header=None, **kwargs)#
returns the transposed table.
- Parameters:
- new_column_name
the existing header will become a column with this name
- select_as_header
current column name containing data to be used as the header. Defaults to the first column.
- with_new_column(new_column: str, callback: Callable[[ndarray], Iterable] | str, columns: str | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, dtype: dtype | None = None, **kwargs) Self #
Returns new table with an additional column, computed using callback.
- Parameters:
- new_column
new column heading
- columns
the columns whose values determine whether a row is to be included.
- callback
Can be a function, which takes the subtable by columns and returns True/False, or a string representing valid python code to be evaluated.
- dtype
numpy type of result
- with_new_header(old, new, **kwargs)#
returns a new Table with old header labels replaced by new
- Parameters:
- old
the old column header(s). Can be a string or series of them.
- new
the new column header(s). Can be a string or series of them.
- write(filename, mode=None, writer=None, format=None, sep=None, compress=None, **kwargs) None #
Write table to filename in the specified format.
- Parameters:
- mode
file opening mode
- format
Valid formats are those of the to_string method plus pickle. Will try and guess from filename if not specified.
- writer
a function for formatting the data for output.
- sep
a character delimiter for fields.
- compress
if True, gzips the file and appends .gz to the filename (if not already added).
If a format is not specified, it attempts to use a filename suffix. Unformatted numerical values are written to file in order to preserve numerical accuracy.